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cancerscreening 1.1.1

  • This release streamlines the khisr package by focusing on its core functionality: retrieving screening data for the MOH 745 screening tool.

  • Refactored Functionality: Previously available functions for retrieving data element metadata, organization unit metadata, and formatted datasets have been migrated to the dedicated khisr package. This enhances code organization and avoids redundancy.

  • New Function: We’ve introduced the get_screening_reporting_analytics() function to retrieve reporting metrics associated with the MOH 745 screening tool.

cancerscreening 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-04-14

Improved data retrieval efficiency

  • Updated get_data_elements_metadata() and get_organisation_units_metadata() to retrieve only necessary data, enhancing performance.

  • Introduced levels (country, county, subcounty, ward, facility) to functions, allowing users to specify the scope of data retrieval.

Enhanced functionality:

Streamlined API:

  • Removed unnecessary elements and categories parameters from functions due to optimized data retrieval.

  • Repurposed organizations parameter to control the retrieved organizations using organization IDs.

cancerscreening 1.0.2

CRAN release: 2024-01-09

  • Initial CRAN submission.